It seems as if the list goes on for miles. ~Seriously
But, the big item this month was Leighanna's big 10... yep, my 4 pound preemie turned 10.
I brought her home on Halloween day 10 year's ago. I still have the Anne Geddes doll we borrowed the Lady bug costume from. She now sits proudly on the plant shelf in Leighanna's room. AHHH memories ~ I love them.
So Now shes 10. You would never look at her and know she was so little. I like to say that's because she was well loved :)
Here is Leighanna on her actual birthday last Friday. We always do a small treat on the actual big day with just the 4 of us...
Here is Leighanna on her actual birthday last Friday. We always do a small treat on the actual big day with just the 4 of us...
Then we had the family party... this year's was super simplified compared to most because I have been crazy busy. We just did some light snacks and a simple cake that Leighanna and her dad picked out...
There was the Halloween birthday bash/slumber party. This year I only let her invite 6 girls. (4 came) So all together we had 5 girls here. Last year there were 8 and it was a little nuts!!!
Daddy does not partake in such slumber party festivities (can't really blame him). So he took Justin over to Nonnie's house where they were spoiled as usual.
Us girls had a good time without the boys... we tie dyed shirts(my hands are still purple), decorated cakes, made bracelets and a fort, had a fashion show and watched Ghostbusters. Now, I do have to say... I don't remember Ghostbusters being a little "iffy" for 10 year olds... I guess I look at things differently now that I am a mom. I have not seen it in a while and completely forgot the part were the lady ghost is hovering over Dan Aykroyd and she unbuttons and unzips his pants... then all you see is his face in a pleasant way if you know what I mean.
All I could think is OMG... I don't know half of these girls moms and this is not good.
"COVER YOUR EYES GIRLS". Hopefully they won't discuss that part with their parents :)
Here is our fashionistas after 1 of their wardrobe changes...
Hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween...

Hello super mom!!!
You're month sounds even busier than mine!
My husband has an Omi to run to when he needs spoiling. It used to bother me how perfect she I embrace it! It is SO NICE to have a back up!
Love your pics!! It looks like you all had a great time! Way to go, Mom! You should feel like Wonder Woman after planning a few cool parties AND doing everything else you've got going on! Hope November is calmer for you!
Yes lora and just think thanksgiving and christmas are right around the corner ha !!!
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