Here's the "short version"...
Thursday: HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!!! We had a group of great friends over to help us celebrate. We DID make it to midnight (woo hoo). I had my camera out to take a few pics to share, but somewhere between the Sweet Tea Vodka and the "F"ed up Uno... I forgot.
Friday: Our plans were canceled because my sister in law got sick. HOWEVER, we did not complain because the yucky rainy weather was a great excuse to stay in. Besides... the hubby had a headache (hmm ~ wonder if he got it from his "friend" Jack Daniels?)
Saturday: I was put to work. The tree came down, the outside Christmas lights came down, it was all packed up and the holiday 20 boxes and bins went back into the attic until next year.
AGAIN... I forgot to take pics of the house and tree.
Sunday: oh Sunday... I was a church slacker(she says ashamed). So I watched me some church online.. it was live! (who knew?)
Anthony on the other hand started on the loft bed. Justin wants it for his birthday and we decoded to build it. THE PLAN is that it will be completely suspended except for the 1 post on the outside corner. This was in lieu of a cable going into my ceiling. (Thank you Bob Villa)

Here he is cutting wood...
While daddy was occupied... the kids and I got ready and for some reason allowed my friend to drag us out to the Manatee viewing site. I'm sorry... I was born and raised in Florida and it is FREAKIN COLD out there right now!
Either way we went. This pic obviously shows my excitement...
We were all bundled up but still complaining "IT'S COLD"!!
Notice the not so thrilled look on Justin's face...
You really couldn't see the Manatees in the picture I took, but the sharks and stingrays but on quite a show for us...
Before we left... we stopped in the Manatee museum to defrost.
We headed home via Sonic for my LAST route 44 diet vanilla coke. (I miss them already)
I scurried along to cook dinner and get the angels in bed before 9:00. (most of you know why)
It's because up until last night I was a D-Mom chat virgin... WELL NOT NO MORE!!!
How fun was that? SUPER FUN!!! You all are NUTS! In a good nutty way of course.
I am glad I was able to join in the fun... I've been missing out.
So on that note... all I have to say is: D- Moms ROCK!!!
Happy Monday!
What a fun time! When/how do the D-Moms chat?
I'm so glad you had fun! You are so right! Grinch's Can suck it and we DO rock!!! And I can't speak for the others but I know I'm pretty nuts! Glad you join in the fun!
Cracking up at the pics of you guys in your winter coats! I'd take your cold over mine anyday!!
I'm a wimp in the cold too. I think us California girls and you Florida girls have this in common. I'm glad you were there last night. It's like a slumber party of giggly girls until we start talking about the big D stuff. We can go from silly to crying in no time flat. (I'm still embarassed I wasn't 100% sure you were on fb. How could I forget my LOVELY friend.) But it's been a long Christmas break! I'm flirting with losing all my marbles. Honestly though, I thought you were typing that you needed to be emailed about the grinch, because you didn't have FB. :P I'm rambling...the boys go back to school tomorrow...hoping to return to normal...
I always love the crazy D mom chats. :) Glad you joined us. :)
Oh wow glad you had a good time I have been wanting to go out there to the viewing site for awhile but never seem to have the time . anyways yes we do rock !!!! and yeah grinches suck big time . well back to normal whatever normal is .
Welcome aboard, Matey!
Love the pics :) Cant wait to see that uber super cool loft bed!!!! WOW!!!!!
Now...go make yourself a sandwich and have a great day!
I'm glad that I was able to make the chat too. I always forget and on Monday at some point I realize it and I'm so upset I missed it! Chasiti called me to remind me this Sunday. It is a lot of fun.
I always see the sonic commercials and wish that we had one here because I think that I would just LOVE it!
I love D mom chats too!! I missed this week cause I wasn't feeling so good-o. But I should be on this sunday. yay! What picture program do you use to write the words on your pics...like the stingray pic?
Thank you all for the warm welcome ladies. You are all awesome :)
Shamae, I use Picasa to edit and write on the photos. It's a free download and I have used it for a few years. I have a photoshop program, but I like Picasa better because it's user friendly.
Meri uses a program called Picnik?? I haven't had a chance to play with it alot, but that one seems fun.
I loved chatting with you on Sunday - aren't those chats fun?
Love your pics! That is COLD for FL. Brrrr!!
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