- Do you want to be like the kid at McDonald's that CAN'T count back change?
- Do you think maybe you should be on medication for that?
- Good job baby... you just taught the new guy how to sit around on his ass all day.
-There are not enough middle fingers in the world to say how I feel about that.
- Don't try to over think it... your brain might start smokin!!!
- Whoever told you to be yourself doesn't know you very well do they?
- If you could read my mind you would need therapy!!
- That sounds like the making of a new rap song to me!!
- Why? If I stick them up your ass are you going to work faster?
- Just get 2 Diet Vanilla Cokes and stop arguing with me!!!!
- I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU AND YOUR NOT LISTENING!!! (my husband always says this to me. It's like a running joke at our house. So this morning when I had the chance to say it to him... I was more than happy to :)
- I'm loosing brain cells dealing with you people.
So what's come out of your mouth lately???
Oh you so dont want to know LOL !!!
YOU-ARE-HYSTERICAL Lora!!! I am laughing out loud reading the below to my husband.
If you could read my mind you would need therapy.
Whoever told you to be yourself doesn't know you very well do they?
There are not enough middle fingers in the world to say how I feel about that.
Thanks for ending a lovely day with some belly laughs!
A big one around our house is, "I don't think you know what you think you know."
You had me bustin' a gut on the therapy one...so so true my friend.
haha! LOVE these!
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