Okay, back to the post at hand :)
I don't get it! Really, I don't.
I don't understand why we run around making things easier for our other halves. We complain that they have NO CLUE what we do on a daily basis; yet we don't leave without major preparation.
I know, I am rambling right?
Let me splain!
I am going out of town this weekend and leaving the kids and all my D cares to the hubbs. I'm talking carb counting, night time checking, low lifting, high splitting D fun!
He already has a lighter load since it is the weekend. There will be no getting up early, no lunches to pack and the big one... no homework.
So what am I doing, you ask?
Everything that I possibly can to make it "easy" on him. I am starting to wonder if its a control issue.
Lets see...
-I scheduled my flight to leave a little later so that I could tend to "school stuff" Friday morning.
-A site change will be done first thing Friday morning so that there will be no site change needed while I'm gone. Fingers crossed on this one.
-I don't always use the Dexcom. Personal choice because Justin seems to obsess over it and sometimes it causes me more aggravation than anything. HOWEVER, it will be inserted tomorrow so that it makes the night time checks a little easier.
- Leighanna has a planned ice skating party with her Girl Scout troop. I have not only made arrangements with another mom to get her to and from the party... I found myself getting all her stuff together to go because it gets cold in there and I wanted to make sure she is dressed appropriate.
BTW: Anthony told me to just "print him up an itinerary". No shit... that is actually what he said.
That's just the start of it all.
So as I sit here asking myself how he will EVER know how wasy he has it... I am writing notes about what else needs to be done.