Thank you to everyone who sent in submissions to me. Without you... I would have nothing to basal about :)
It has been a busy December for some of us D peeps... we have trips to Chicago... babies being born (welcome Miss Hadlee) and YOU KNOW Reyna will NEVER let us down with the good reads!
So here we go... I will start with me :)
Misty, Heather, Marc's family and I met up in Chicago. I had a wonderful time and felt as if I had know these peep all my life.
Misty (who we have dubbed the shopping queen) tells you all about our D Rents meet up. BTW: My boots "might" be cooler, but Misty is supper.friggin.awesome!
Then I went all bah hum bug because I was feeling a bit defeated.
I would like to thank EVERYONE who commented on that post... each of you truly lifted my spirits. AND just so you know the quote was my way of kicking myself in the ass and saying "do something about it". (Amy... I think you have me pegged!)
Speaking of Amy... She dove into a good D book called Breakthrough and tells us all about it. Warning... this book was a tear jerker right off the bat!
The Houston family has been craft-n-it-up and created these fantabulous "ORNAPODS". No tutorial needed for these cute little suckers... as Laura would say "easy peasy lemon squeezy"! Even Super Nate joined in on the pod makin action. Kinda makes me wish I had an Omni-pod (shhh, don't tell my Ping).

Here is Justin with the super cute penguin Ornapod Laura sent us... excuse the bed head!
Reyna is at it again when she gives you a peek into her so called "magical" day. You know there are some perfectly placed f*bombs in there that will even make the straight and narrow chuckle (even if they wont admit it).
Heather talks about night sweats when you realize that you've slept through a night time check. I've been there and holy heart attack is right!!
Nicole is moving forward in 10 Giant D Steps, but no one seems to be tagging along with her. No worries girl... were here with ya!
Alexis(my d mama twin) has been blessed with many Christmas miracles this year. The love that people share just warms my heart. More proof that we are not alone... ever!
Donna wrote a "Dear co-worker letter" after she blew off said non-understanding co-worker. We can only educate when we feel up to it. Sometimes an eye roll and a quick exit plan is in order! Just sayin Sweet Mama :)
Hallie is also sharing with the "outside world" in "Do you know how lucky you are"? Hallie shares some of the things we take for granted and points out how lucky she is today. I agree Hallie... we have a lot of reasons to feel lucky.
Cindy tries to convince us that she is a "cream puff" in Ha Ha Ha after Reyna goes and calls her "hard core". I don't know Cindy... Reyna is pretty good at calling a spade a spade(or is it an ace an ace?? Hell, I don't know :) lol
Jen and Addison meet a D peep celebrating his 50 year anniversary with D. She tells us all about it in "Same". I am with you Jen, I hope Justin lives life the same way.
Speaking of roll models... the super cute Haley tells us all about her day dealing with high school and a job all with D in the mix. WOW girl... I am stressed just reading about it! You however, are a true ROCKSTAR!
Meri is at it again with a post that can make you cry... yet leave you full of love at the same time in Twas the night before set changes. I don't know how she does it... there is not enough "shower time" in the world that would help me come up with this stuff up.
Deanna touched my heart this month in Gentle reminders. It is not often I remind someone to pray (unless I have gone mad and they need to pray for me). By the way Deanna... great song your playing :)
Hmmmm ~ who's next?
Ah! The fabulous Wendy. Warning peeps... Wendy is freaking out and baking cookies (kinda makes me hungry). There is some seriously cute face making pics in this post... a must see that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face.
Brief pause while I look for a snack(thanks Wendy).... que elevator music :)
Heidi is finding D lessons within words of faith. I think we can all use a few of those lessons... I know I can. Thanks Heidi... that was a beautiful post.
Tracy has had a crazy December full of sick kiddos starting with 2nd verse same as the 1st (you should stop by and show her some love). Sending (((wellness))) vibes your way Tracy.
Kris gave us a sneak peek at why she was nominated for the 2010 DOC Awards Best Photographer. She takes some amazing pictures. Go check it out and don't forget to cast your vote for your favorites DOC Award nominees. Voting ends December 31st.
Denise found Bryce and his brother Jaden are putting Santa to the test this year in "Dear Santa". I am amazed by the love Jaden has for his little brother... a must read to make you smile.
And there you have it... in all its basal glory :)
To enter next months Blogger Basal, be sure to send your link to Nicole at We Cara Lot Blog.
And click HERE to check out what the Blogger Basal is all about (including past posts).
Happy Holidays to all my peeps. May this season bring you peace, love, joy and damn good numbers.
Ah, can I just say you rocked that basal girl friend! Thank you! I cannot wait for my turn. I think I have to wait until June or something!!! UGH. Love it. Love you. Merry Christmas Lora.
Great Basal, Lora!!!! =)
Merry Christmas!!! =)
Aaah! I just love you. I didn't think I had anything worthy of the Blogger Basal (one whole post this month and all) But how nice to be included with what I had! You are the best and you totally made my day! Great job on the Basal! Love ya!!! Happy Holidays!!!
Great basal Lora, you rocked it!
you kicked blogger basal ass! And i love being called ya d mama twin its an honor. Love u girl!
Whoever came up with this idea is brilliant! (Hello Wendy. :) Lora, you did an amazing job put it all down, I know it was a labor of D Mama love! I love being caught up a bit, I have been so far behind!
Reading this made me realize how far behind I am on reading blogs! Thanks so much for a fabulous edition of blogger basal...and for helping me get caught up a bit. BTW..I think you're super.friggin.awesome too!!!!
Great blogger basal Lora!!
LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!'re a Blogger Basal ROCKSTAR!!!!!!
thank you lora!
great job putting this together!
You did a great job with this!!
I hope you all have a FABULOUS Christmas! : )
Merry Christmas, Lora!!! GReat job on the Blogger Basal. Where so I sig up to have a whack at it? Thanks for all the time and effort it took to pull this together. Awesome job, lady!!!
I read this on my phone days ago but cold not leave a comment. I LOVE IT!
Coke FLEW out of my nose when I read it. You know that part!! Cracked me up!!
You did a great job!
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