Friday, December 31, 2010


As 2010 comes to an end; I have given a lot of thought to these words I said in a previous post... "I need to reorganize me. Get the things I can control back in order so that I can be better at handling the things I can't control. I NEED to get a handle on the craziness that surrounds me before I go crazy."

I have mostly been trying to figure out where to begin and with what. Things have become so out of whack that this task is not going to be easy. Sounds silly, I know, but this task is larger than you can imagine.

Last year, Tib(over at Shark Bait) posted a "word of the year". You can read about it here. Her word was "Dominate". I thought is was a great idea, but at the time I didn't feel passionate enough about anything to do the same.

This year... its different. I NEED to do this. I NEED to succeed at this resolution of sorts. Because the alternative is not acceptable.

So here is my "Word of the Year"...

 As I said before, I have given this some thought.

1st - I need to reorganize my faith. I am embarrassed to admit that I "fell off the wagon" a few years ago. Hmm~ look where I am now! We attended a new church for a Christmas Eve service and we went back last Sunday. Is it where we belong? I don't know, but if not... I will try somewhere new until we find a home.

My heart tells me that faith is the perfect place to start.

2nd - My house is a wreck. Seriously!!! I have not had the energy to go through everything and play toss the clutter. I use to play that game a couple times a year. I can't remember the last time I really "cleaned house".

This needs to change because the mess makes me uneasy. I can't find things sometimes because I can't put them away where they belong. I've started a new game called "cram it wherever it fits".

My nerves tell me I need to work on the house.

3rd - Work. The option of being a stay at home mom was taken away from me without offering me a choice in the matter. I was home for a good part of 10 years... that's a pretty good run I suppose.  

I decided to become a substitute teacher because of the flexibility. I was worried when I started that the sporadic, last minute, drop everything to come in NOW, chaotic type of schedule was not good for my mind. I love structure, calmness, schedules etc... I like to know what I need to do ahead of time so I can calmly be ready.

I will say that I do love being in the classroom, and that did helped a lot, but it didn't fix the chaos of the schedule. So in order to regain a little structure (and some experience) I decided to take an offer given to me back in August as an Administrative Assistant to a book keeper(right up my alley). The schedule has made more of a difference than I thought it would.  The problem is that it is part time(about 18 hours a week). Financially, I need more than that so I still sub when I can.

When I took this job, the understanding was that it would eventually turn into a full time need; and I have gone from the original two days a week to now working three. But the reality is that we lost between 20 and 25 thousand of our income a year. This started about 3 years ago. 18 hours a week is not making up for what we lost. We have been struggling for some time. We have blown through our savings and I don't know how much longer I can rob peter to pay paul. Something has to change.

I have decided that I will keep my eyes open for something with more hours.  I hate to be un-loyal to where I am now because I like it there, but I have to take care of my family and I may not have the option of waiting for their needs to change. 

I know "reorganizing" these three areas of my life will not fix everything, but they are a start. And I have faith that eventually other things that seem so displaced will start to fall into place once again.

So here's to a brighter tomorrow.

To all my friends...


Unknown said...

First off, I wish I lived down the street and I would help you go through your house. I love to organize and get rid of shit!

Secondly, I like your 2011 word and it sounds like you have a sound plan in place. I am sooo with you in not liking a chaotic work schedule. I sub...and usually only take jobs way in advance. I am a suckity sub if people need me last minute.

Happy New Years to you dear friend. I am looking forward to a healthy, happy, prosperous, and "re-organized" you...!!! I like that you are taking care of you this year!!! I heart you girl. MUAH!!!!

Sarah said...

Happy New Year to you!
I think your re-orginization list sounds great, I'd love to say I'll join but for once I've got my OCD on the back burner and am loving living a little more on the edge :)
Enjoy today!

Alexis Nicole said...

Happy new year D mama twin!! Hope 2011 brings everything you want and deserve. Love u!

Penny said...

Happy new year! Your plan sounds fantastic and I love to organize stuff, so i wish I lived closer! Here's to a great 2011!

Amy said...

You are speaking my language here, Lora! I love the idea of a word for the year and will be writing about that very thikngs later this week.

I will keep you in my prayers for a job that allows you to fulfill being the best D-mom you can be, makes good money and allows you to get your home in order!

Abotu the faith thing, He is patient and will help guide you to a place of worship when you are ready.

Happy New Years, my friend!!!!

Denise said...

Happy New Year!

I am right there with you on the house thing! It is amazing how a messy house really affects mood. I start to reorganize but get so overwhelmed I give up. I finally got around to organizing my boys room and it really felt good to get it onto the rest of the house! Ugh!!!

Best of luck on your goals to reorganize!

Unknown said...

Faith is a very good place to start. If you can get that prioritized and allow everything to else to branch off like a wheel, I think you'll find great success ;)

Looking forward to sharing 2011!

Pam said...

You are such an amazing woman and I know you'll succeed in re-organizing your life. And we'll all be here with you for support along the way. Best wishes for 2011!

connie said...

Happy New Year!!! I love this idea of choosing a word to focus on for the year, I have done something similar for the new year and will post later about it. I truly hope that 2011 brings you all of the blessings and joy that you and your family deserve.

I'm so thankful that 2010 brought me into the DOC, you and all my fellow D-mamas have been such a blessing and have given me such strength and support...I can't imagine life without the DOC!!!

Meri said...

Happy New Year! Brlliant plan. You can do it! Keep looking for the right church for you. It makes ALL the difference in the other areas of your life! Love you Lora...I just know this year you conquer your re organization!

Hallie Addington said...

I hear you, Mama! I need it, too! I think faith is a great place to start! And may help the rest fall into place... Here's to a fab 2011 - full of wonderful peace, health, love and laughter!

Kelly said...

I'm thinking we will ALL be getting there together this year! Happy 2011 and I betcha you will meet all your goals!

Misty said...

Happy New Year! Happy New You (after the Re-Organizing :) I am so proud of you for knowing that YOU are important and making a plan that will bring you what you need. I love your plan by the way!! I also need ALL 3 of those things...maybe you won't be alone on this 2011 journey!! Hugs!!

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