Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I'm in... are you???

I'm all signed up for this weekends Virtual 5k.
click on the link for more details

A special thank you to Tara over at Mommy's a Runner for coming up with the idea and working hard to make it a success.

REMEMBER: It doesn't matter where you live.
It doesn't matter if you run, walk or skip.
You can do it alone or with a group.

Just do it and help raise money for a cure!!!

I'm in... are you?


Diane D said...

We did ours today :) My husband works this weekend. Have a great time. We did!

Anonymous said...

Oh, IN!! :)

Unknown said...

YAY!!! Thank YOU Lora!

Misty said...

I am so glad that I saw you post today. Since I've been taking a computer vacay, I had forgotten to register. I'm in!!!

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