Thursday, July 7, 2011

Swimming Strong...

NaBloPoMo... day 7 

Today's prompt is... "Do you consider yourself a strong swimmer?".

I have wrote about strength in one form or another several times. My strength seems to be one of the things I question a lot thanks to the challenges of the past few years. Those of you that have been around a while already know I struggle with this.

Going with the theme...
I use to be a strong swimmer... Olympic! I could change direction with grace. I could breast stroke, back stroke and butterfly without a ripple in the water.

On the outside it may seem that my gifts have not faltered, but on the inside I have to think about every stroke before I make it. Its a lot more effort these days to make it across the pool and there are days I think I will drowned.

Then there are days when I just float quietly. As I drift, I think about all the races I've won. I can see it... my gift to swim and the strength with in.

Even if my mind messes with me... my strength to swim is there. I am a strong swimmer.

If only I wouldn't loose my faith in my abilities.


Amy said...

T1D has given me a 'tic' . . . just a quick blink or head nod or shoulder raise; but enough to make me hesitate. Hesitation is what slows you down and messes with ya. I guess what I am saying is . . . . I HEAR YA!!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome post, Lora.

You are a strong swimmer. And an awesome mother, loyal friend, and wonderful pancreas.

I'm blessed to know you on this journey.

Shannon@ The New Normal Life said...

I agree it is the 2nd guessing of every choice we make that throws me off. I think you are a strong swimmer you are just doing a different swim these days. Instead of the fast dash you have to have the skills to do the marathon swim.

Valerie said...

We all have days where we doubt ourselves, but overall, we are all STRONG! :)

Unknown said...

You are a "Gold Medalist" my friend...never lose faith in that. xo

Anonymous said...

Even Olympic swimmers have their 'off' days BUT they don't have to swim 24/7/365!!

Misty said...

I really get this! I was just thinking the other day about how I used to be good at certain things. Now it takes me so much time to just organize my thoughts that I would be embarrassed at my ATTEMPTS. Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!

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