Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Destination... Mud Run...Me # 3

I am going to steel this first part from Captain Jackson's Mama... altering to fit yours truly, of course.

If your late to the Destination...Mud Run.. Me ... I'll fill you in".  Hallie started Destination Me as a way to gain some "Me" time you can read about her journey here and my commitment to the journey and why I want to do it here

So how is it going...

If you remember, things didn't get going until right before post # 2... that whole Monday thing and all. Since then, I have continued to walk, not everyday, but the treadmill is still getting some action. I have come to the conclusion that no matter what I tell myself... if I do not get up early and walk, its not going to happen that day. I need to find a way to fix that since diabetes doesn't always get along with getting up at 5:45 am.

I have continued to eat better and have been sticking to logging for the Well Challenge I joined at work. As of yesterday, I am down 3 lbs. I am pretty excited about that.

I definitely need to drink more water. I fell off the wagon this weekend and went all crack addict on the Diet Coke. I regretted it on Monday when my hands swelled up from all the "water retention".

Sleep... I challenged myself to sleep. Really? Who am I kidding. I tried. I promise I did... and I even followed through and went to bed at 11:00 that first night. Too bad I woke up at some redonculous time in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. My body just doesn't know how to act with more than a few hours at a time. After that, I think I managed to get in bed early one other night this past week... I will continue to work on that.

So there you have it... the good, the bad and the fall of the wagon.

This week I think I am just going to continue with what I am working on. I didn't master the whole sleep thing and lord knows I need to work o my water issues. I think that's worth an extra week of trying. On top of that I will add in that I need to walk more so I can start running... eventually.

A big THANKS to Captain Jackson's Mama for motivating me to get this week post out.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Destination... Mud Run... Me #2

And here we are... post #2 of destination me (inspired by Hallie). I will be honest... I have a tradition(if you will) about dieting. I like to start dieting on Monday. I secretly do this so I can binge eat until i'm sick or until all of the good "crap" is out of the house.

Can I call that last weeks goal?

If so, keep tradition... check!

I did actually start on Monday, by the way.

-One thing Hallie and I share is our love for coke, I am a diet girl, but I also prefer my diet coke over coffee any day. That said, I do know I have to give it up in order to reach my goal and I also know if I have it in the house I will never drink anything but that.

I drank my last diet coke Monday morning. We will see how that works out for me. (I'm actually breaking out in colds sweats just thinking about it... #feelinglikeacrackhead)

Yikes... enough about that before I ditch this post and make a Sonic run.

-I decided to sign up for the annual "Well Challenge(WC)" at work. The WC is an 8 week challenge. You can choose a goal, such as: weight challenge, fitness challenge, fruit and veggie challenge and a few more. I choose the weight challenge, of course, because that will make me focus on both diet and exercise all at once. I am required to log my daily food and exercise... so far, I have been on it!!! In the end, the ultimate goal in this challenge is to loose 5% of my current weight... that puts me right around 8-9lbs to lose in the 8 weeks. Then maybe... I could even win a trip, but I won't hold my breath on that one.

Today they sent me a motivational "badge" for sticking with it for 3 whole days... HOLLA!

Now here's the biggie... are you sitting down?

I have no idea how, but I also managed to drag my tired rump out of bed at 5:45am the past three days. THEN, I actually put my shoes on and walked on the treadmill. Granted, only for 30 min a day and I barely made it 2 miles, but hey... that is 130 min further than I was walking last week. Baby steps peeps!!! I will make it through that mud run even if I have to crawl.

Goal... I'm suppose to set one, right?

I think I may go with Hallie on this one. I am going to try and go to bed. I get an average of 4 1/2 - 5 hours of sleep per night. I need to change that if I want to reach my goal. I need sleep. My body needs sleep. Wish me lots of luck with this one... I probably have a better chance of giving up the diet coke.

Until next week.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Destination... Mud Run... Me!

We all know how much a diagnosis changes our lives. If you're anything like me, your whole world became about just trying to function or maybe just trying to not screw up. Since I wasn't on top of things like I always had been, something had to give... that something included me.

In a little more than a month (10/21), we will have lived with diabetes for 5 years. 5 years ago, I lost it. I lost myself and my ability to give a crap about my health. Then just when I felt like I had this... another diagnosis came along and pushed me back a bit. Then, recently, I made a plan with a group of girls at work to sign up for a 5k mud run in February. I thought... I can do this. 5k... no problem.

Only, there is now a new diagnosis hanging over our heads and its kind of kicking my butt, just a little.
On August 19th Justin went for an x-ray and on August 21st, I got a call from the Doctor... Justin has Scoliosis.

This is the first time I am sharing the news. I haven't had the heart to even tell him. How can I?  He has so much on his plate already and whats the point until we have to do something about it; which may be sooner rather than later since he is still complaining about his back hurting.

I'll be honest, my first thought was to stick my head back in the hole its spent so much time in the past 5 years, but I need to cut that out. I need to get my shit together and start taking care of myself so that I can face this new challenge... whatever that turns out to be.

SOOOO... I am going to do that mud run in February. For me. To help get my head straight and keep it out of that hole.

It just so happens that the super awesome Hallie over at The Princess and the Pump has started a new challenge, called "Destination Me". My destination may start off with a little different motivation, but on my way to "me", I'm going to rock that mud run.

Stop by Hallie's post HERE to learn a little more about what she's doing and why. THEN sign up to join her on this journey.

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